- Annink, S.M., Gorgievski, M.J. & Dulk, L. den (2016). Financial hardship and well-being: A cross-national comparison among the European Self-Employed.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25 (5), 645-657. doi:[go to publisher’s site]
- Annink, S.M., Dulk, L. den & Amoros, J.E. (2016). Different strokes for different folks? The impact of heterogeneity in work characteristics and country contexts on work-life balance among the self-employed.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 22 (6):902. doi:[go to publisher’s site]
- Dulk, L. den, Peper, B., Kanjuo Mrĉla, A. & Ignjatović, M. (2016). Supervisory support in Slovenian and Dutch organizations: a contextualizing approach. Community, Work & Family, 19 (2), 193-212.
- Annink, S.M., Dulk, L. den & Steijn, A.J. (2015). Work-family state support for the self-employed across Europe. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 4 (2), 187-208.
- Annink, S.M., Dulk, L. den & Steijn, A.J. (2015). Work–Family Conflict Among Employees and the Self-Employed Across Europe.Social Indicator Research Series, open acces, 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015-0899-4
- Annink, A., Dulk, L. den & Steijn, B. (2015). Work-family state support for the self-employed across Europe.Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 4 (2), 187-208. doi: 0.1108/JEPP-01-2014-0006
- Annink, A., Dulk, L. den & Steijn, B. (2015). Work-family conflict among employees and the self-employed in Europe.Social Indicators Research, 126 (2), 571-593. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015-0899-4
- Been, W.M den, Dulk, L. den & Lippe, T. van der (2015). Dutch top managers and work-life arrangements in times of economic crisis. Community, Work & Family, 19 (1), 43-62.
- Yerkes, M.A. & Dulk, L. den (2015). Arbeid-en-zorgbeleid in de participatiesamenleving. Een vergroting van de mogelijkheden? Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 31 (4), 510-528.
- Been, W.M den, Dulk, L. den & Lippe, T. van der (2014). Veranderingen in overwegingen van topmanagers over werk-privebeleid in tijden van economische crisis. Mens en Maatschappij, 89 (4), 395-417. doi: 10.1557/MEM2014.4.BEEN
- Tummers, L.G. & Dulk, L. den (2013). The effects of work alienation on organizational commitment, work effort and work-to-family enrichment.Journal of Nursing Management, 21 (6), 850-859. doi:
- Dulk, L. den, Groeneveld, S.M., Ollier-Malaterre, A. & Valcour, M. (2013). National context in work-life research: A multi-level cross-national analysis of the adoption of workplace work-life arrangements in Europe.European Management Journal, 31 (5), 478-494. doi:
- Ollier-Malaterre, A., Valcour, M., Dulk, L. den & Kossek, E.E. (2013). Theorizing national context to develop comparative work-life research: a review and research agenda.European Management Journal, 31 (5), 433-447. doi:
- Dulk, L. den & Groeneveld, S.M. (2013). Work-Life Balance Support in the Public Sector in Europe.Review of Public Personnel Administration, 33 (4), 384-405. doi:
- Dulk, L. den, Peters, P. & Poutsma, E. (2012). Variations in adoption of workplace work-family arrangements in Europe: the influence of welfare state regime and organizational characteristics.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23 (13), 2785-2808. doi:
- Pisljar, T., Lippe, T. van der & Dulk, L. den (2011). Health among hospital workers in Europe: a cross-national study of the impact of work stress and work control.Social Science & Medicine. doi:
- Abendroth, A. & Dulk, L. den (2011). Work-life balance support in Europe: the impact of the state, workplace and family support on work-life balance satisfaction. Work, Employment and Society, 25 (2), 1-23.
- Dulk, L. den, Peper, A., Sadar, N.Č, Lewis, S., Smithson, J. & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (2011). Work Family and Managerial Attitudes and Practices in the European Workplace: Comparing Dutch, British and Slovenian Financial Sector Managers.Social Politics, 18 (2), 300-329. doi:
- Dulk, L. den, Peters, P., Poutsma, E. & Lighthart, P.E.M. (2010). The extended business case for childcare and leave arrangements in Western and Easterns Europe.Baltic Journal of Management, 5 (2), 156-184. doi:
- Warmerdam, C., Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2010). Werk-prive beleid: de visie van topmanagers. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 26 (1), 8-26.
- Peters, P., Dulk, L. den & Ruijter, J. de (2010). May I work from home? Views of the employment relationship reflected in line managers’ telework attitudes in six finacial sector organizations. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 29 (5), 517-531.
- Peters, P., Dulk, L. den & Lippe, T. van der (2009). The effects of time-spatial flexibility and new working conditions on employees’ work-life balance. Community, Work & Family, 12 (3), 279-298.
- Lewis, S. & Dulk, L. den (2008). Parents’ experiences of flexible work arrangements in changing European workplaces: a multi-layer contextual approach.Sotziologitcheski problemi / Problèmes sociologiques, 49 (2), 5-28.
- Dulk, L. den & Ruijter, J. de (2008). Managing work-life policies: disruption versus dependency arguments. Explaining managerial attitudes towards employee utilization of work-life policies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, 1224-1238.
- Peters, P., Dulk, L. den & Lippe, T. van der (2008). Effecten van tijd-ruimtelijke flexibiliteit op de balans tussen werk en prive. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 24 (4), 341-362.
- Dulk, L. den & Ruijter, J. de (2008). Managing work-life policies: disruption versus dependency arguments. Explaining managerial attitudes towards employee utilization of work-life policies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19 (7), 1224-1238.
- Wiesmann, S, Boeije, H, Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Dulk, L. den (2008). Not worth mentioning: implicit and explicit nature of decision making about the division of (house) work. Community, Work & Family, 11 (4), 341-363.
- Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2007). Working Parents’ Use of Work-Life Policies.Sociologia Problemas e Praticas, 53, 51-70.
- Dikkers, J., Geurts, S., Dulk, L. den, Peper, A., Taris, T.W. & Kompier, M. (2007). Dimensions of work-home culture and their relations with the use of work-home arrangements and work-home interaction.Work and Stress, 21 (2), 155-172. doi:
- Dikkers, J., Geurts, S., Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. & Kompier, M. (2004). Relations among work-home culture, the utilization of work-home arrangements, and work-home interference.International Journal of Stress Management, 11 (4), 323-345. doi:
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- Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (1996). Work-family arrangements and gender inequality in Europe. Women in Management Review, 11 (5), 25-35.
Books & edited books
- Dulk, L. den, Lippe, T. van der & Schippers, J. (Eds.). (2006). Emancipatie als kwestie. Liber Amicorum voor Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes rond het thema vrouwen en beroepsparticipatie. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press.
- Peper, A., Doorne-Huiskes, A. van & Dulk, L. den (Eds.). (2005). Flexible Working, Organizational Change and the Integration of Work and Personal life. London: Edward Elgar.
- Peper, A., Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Dulk, L. den (Eds.). (2005). Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.
- Dulk, L. den (2001, Juni 14). Work-familiy arrangements in organisations. A cross-national study in the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom and Sweden. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (225 pag.) (Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers).
- Dulk, L. den, Doorne-Huiskes, J. van & Schippers, J.J. (Eds.). (1999). Work-Family arrangements in Europe (Balancing the Welfare State). Amsterdam: Thela Thesis.
Book chapters
- Dulk, L. den & Peper, B. (2016). The impact of national policies on work-family experiences. In T.D. Allen & L.T. Eby (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Work and Family. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dulk, L. den, Annink, S.M. & Peper, B. (2016). Self-employment in times of economic crisis: work-life challenges. In Work-life balance in times of recession, austerity and beyond.
- Annink, S.M. & Dulk, L. den (2014). Employment Relation and Work-Life Balance in Europe. In K. Aarts & M. Wittenberg (Eds.), Stabiliteit en verandering in Europa (DANS Symposium Publications) (pp. 147-149). Amsterdam: Pallas Publications.
- Peper, A., Dulk, L. den, Černigoj-Sadar, N., Lewis, S., Smithson, J. & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2014). Capabilities for worklife balance: managerial attitudes and employee practices in the Dutch, British, and Slovenian banking sector. In B. Hobson (Ed.), Worklife balance: The agency & capabilities gap (pp. 206-237). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dulk, L. den, Groeneveld, S.M. & Peper, A. (2014). Workplace worklife balance support from a capabilities perspective. In B. Hobson (Ed.), Worklife Balance: The Agency and Capabilities Gap (pp. 153-173). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dulk, L. den (2014). Cross-national work-family research: State and workplace support. In S. Sweet (Ed.), The work-family interface. An Introduction (pp. 91-91). Los Angeles: Sage.
- Groeneveld, S.M., Voet, J. van der & Dulk, L. den (2013). Externe mobiliteit en binding. In A.J. Steijn & S.M. Groeneveld (Eds.), Strategisch HRM in de publieke sector (pp. 133-152). Assen: Van Gorcum.
- Smithson, J., Lewis, S., Kovacheva, S., Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2012). Supports and contraints for parents: a gendered cross-national perspective. In A. Nilsen, J. Brannen & S. Lewis (Eds.), Transitions to parenthood in Europe: A comparative life course perspective (pp. 89-105). Policy Press.
- Doorne-Huiskes, A. van & Dulk, L. den (2011). Chapter 7: The Netherlands. In Q. Skinner (Ed.), Families and States (pp. 129-145). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Präg, P., Dorres Guerreiro, M. das, Nätti, J., Brookes, M. & Dulk, L. den (2011). Quality of work and quality of life of service sector workers. Cross-national variations in eight European countries. In Quality of Work and Life in Europe. Theory, Practice and Policy (pp. 77-94). Houndmills: Palgave Macmillan.
- Szücs, S., Drobnič, S., Dulk, L. den & Verwiebe, R. (2011). Quality of life and satisfaction with the work-life balance. In Quality of Life and Work in Europe. Theory, Practice and Policy (pp. 95-117). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Doorne-Huiskes, A. van & Dulk, L. den (2011). Quality of life and work in a changing Europe: future challenges. In Quality of life and work in Europe: theory, practice and policy (pp. 217-232). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dulk, L. den, Bäck-Wiklund, M., Lewis, S. & Redai, D. (2011). Quality of life and work in a changing Europe: a theoretical framework. In Quality of Life and Work. Theory, Practice and Policy (pp. 17-31). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Lewis, S. & Dulk, L. den (2010). Parents’ expierences of flexible work arrangements in changing European workplaces. In K. Christensen & B. Schneider (Eds.), Workplace Flexibility, Realigning 20th-Century Jobs for a 21st-Century Workforce (pp. 245-261). Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
- Dulk, L. den (2009). Changing norms of masculinity and femininity: development in gender roles and family structures in Europe. In K. Larres (Ed.), Companion to Europe since 1945 (pp. 450-471). Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Peper, A., Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2009). Work-family policies in a contradictory culture: a Dutch financial sector corporation. In S. Lewis, J. Brannen & A. Nilsen (Eds.), Work, families and organisations in transition. European perspectives (pp. 113-128). Bristol: Policy Press.
- Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, A. van (2008). Life course policies in the Netherlands: an answer to work/care dilemmas and an ageing society? In S. Brandl, H. Eckart & P. Wotschack (Eds.), Arbeitszeitpolitik im Lebensverlauf. Düsseldorf: Edition der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Band 212.
- Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (2008). Life course policies in the Netherlands: an answer to work/care dilemmas and an aging society? In S. Brandl, E. Hildebrandt & P. Wotschack (Eds.), Arbeitszeitpolitik im Lebensverlauf (Arbeit und Soziales, 212) (pp. 147-164). Dusseldorf: Hans Bockler Stiftung.
- Dulk, L. den & Spierings, F. (2007). Veranderende samenstelling van huishoudens. In H. Ewijk, F. Spierings & E. Wijnen-Sponselee (Eds.), Basisboek Social Work, mensen en meedoen. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
- Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (2007). Social policy in Europe: it’s impact on families and work. In C. Crompton, S. Lewis & C. Lyonette (Eds.), Women, work and family in Europe (pp. 51-70). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2006). Werk/prive-beleid binnen arbeidsorganisaties: op weg naar een win-win situatie? In L. den Dulk, T. van der Lippe & J. Schippers (Eds.), Emancipatie als Kwestie. Liber Amicorum voor Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes rond het thema Vrouwen en Beroepsparticipatie (pp. 7-124). Amsterdam: Dutch university Press.
- Dulk, L. den & Peper, B. (2006). De ontwikkeling van werk/privé-beleid in arbeidorganisaties: op weg naar een win-win situatie. In L. den Dulk, T. van der Lippe & J. Schippers (Eds.), Emancipatie als kwestie. Liber amicorum voor Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes rond het thema vrouwen en beroepsparticipatie. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press.
- Dikkers, J., Dulk, L. den, Geurts, S. & Peper, A. (2005). Work-Life Arrangements and Fatigue among two Dutch Organizations. In S..Y..A. Poelmans (Ed.), Work and Family: An International Research Perspective (pp. 147-172). Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Doorne-Huiskes, J. van, Dulk, L. den & Peper, A. (2005). Introduction. In J. van Doorne-Huiskes, L. den Dulk & A. Peper (Eds.), Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life (pp. 3-12). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.
- Doorne-Huiskes, A. van, Dulk, L. den & Peper, B. (2005). Organisational Change, Gender and Integration of Work and Life. In B. Peper, A. Van Doorne-Huiskes & L. den Dulk (Eds.), Flexible Working, Organizational Change and the Integration of Work and Personal life (pp. 39-61). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Dulk, L. den, Peper, A. & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (2005). Work and Family Life in Europe: Employment Patterns of Working Parents Across Welfare States. In A. Peper, J. van Doorne-Huiskes & L. den Dulk (Eds.), Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life (pp. 13-38). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.
- Dulk, L. den (2005). Workplace work-family arrangements: a study and explanatory framework of differences between organizational provsision in different welfare states. In S.A.Y. Poelmans (Ed.), Work and Family. An International Research Perspective. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Doorne-Huiskes, J. van, Peper, A. & Dulk, L. den (2005). Flexible work and organisational change from a European perspective: Challenges for future research. In A. Peper, J. van Doorne-Huiskes & L. den Dulk (Eds.), Flexible Working and Organisational Change. The Integration of Work and Personal Life (pp. 312-328). Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar.
- Dikkers, J., Dulk, L. den, Geurts, S. & Peper, B. (2005). Work-nonwork culture, utilization of work-nonwork arrangements and emplyee-related outcomes in two Dutch organizations. In S.A.Y. Poelmans (Ed.), Work and Family. An International Research Perspective. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Dulk, L. den (2001). Work-Familiy Arrangements in Organizations: an International Comparison. In L. van Dijk & T. van der Lippe (Eds.), Women’s Employment in a Comparative Perspective (Sociology and Economics, Controversy and Integration) (pp. 59-84). New York: Aldine de Gruijter.
- Dulk, L. den (1999). Work-family arrangements in the Netherlands: the role of employers. In L. den Dulk, J. van Doorne-Huiskes & J. Schippers (Eds.), Work-familiy arrangements in Europe (pp. 21-40). Amsterdam: Thela Thesis.
- Doorne-Huiskes, J. van, Dulk, L. den & Schippers, J.J. (1999). Work-family arrangements in the context of welfare states. In L. den Dulk, J. van Doorne-Huiskes & J.J. Schippers (Eds.), Work-Family Arrangements in Europe (Balancing the Welfare State) (pp. 1-19). Amsterdam: Thela Thesis.
- Dulk, L. den (1999). Employers and parental leave: a comparative analysis. In P. Moss & F. Deven (Eds.), Parental Leave: Progress or Pitfall? Research and policy issues in Europe (pp. 227-247). The Hague/Brussels: NIDI/CBGS publications.
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- Dulk, L. den & Remery, C.L.H.S. (1997). Work-familiy arrangements in organisations. In K. Tijdens, A. van Doonre-Huiskes & T. Willems (Eds.), Time allocation and gender. The relationship between paid labour and household work (pp. 1-1). Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.
- Dulk, L. den & Doorne-Huiskes, J. van (1996). Work-Family Policies: Opportunities for Women and Men. In B Hessel, J.J. Schippers & S. Lindenberg (Eds.), Labour Market Inequality between Men and Women. Current Issues in Law and Economics (pp. 71-94). Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.